Friday, December 03, 2004

Dwarves and Elves

Roll For the dwarves and elves, they are common in Norse Mythology. The dwarves have excellent skills in producing weapons and jewels out of gold. Even Odin’s weapon, a spear, was made by them.

Elves have characteristics like dwarves too, they both have sharp-ended ears, are tiny, and have basically the same facial shapes. Elves barely come out during the day; they only come out at night. Elves live in forbidden forests.

These tiny creatures who didn’t live with humans didn’t really like humans. They seldom met humans face-to-face. But they had some similarities with humans, like greed and jealousy.

The dwarves are absolutely different from giants; they have only one main purpose to live for: mining gold and using them to produce things…

The elves, on the other hand, just play around and enjoy themselves.

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