Monday, November 08, 2004

Norse Mythology: Norse Worlds part I

I'm gonna give a brief introduction to the field I'm strongest in--the Norse Mythology :)
Just as a summary, Norse people believe that there are nine Norse worlds, all held in place by the tree of life, I can't remember the name of the tree, though. Anyway, the tree is split into three sections. There's the upper worlds, the middle worlds and the lower worlds.

The Upper Worlds:

Alfheim: Land of the light elves
Asgard: Land of the Warrior gods and godesses
Vanaheim: Land of the gods and goddesses who make things grow

The Middle Worlds:

Jotunheim: Land of the giants
Midgard: Land of the humans
Nidavellir: Land of the dwarfs
Svartalfheim: Land of the dark elves
(I've recently read that dark elves are actually dwarves, I'm still looking into that)

The Lower Worlds:

Muspell: Land of fire
Niflheim: Kingdom of the dead

That's all for now, stay tuned for the next episode: Norse Worlds: part II !

1 comment:

Hao Ran said...

As I always say:
Han is a Norse-legend-expert...